Thursday, January 10, 2008

Internet Marketing and why you need it

Internet marketing is not rocket science but is essential for any serious website in this day and age. Pay per click (PPC) and search engine optimisation (SEO) are the two main and popular types of Internet marketing that are used by most businesses for their online marketing campaigns.

Pay per click (PPC) is a great option if you have a new website and you want to attract new business immediately, but it is very important to take care when setting budgets, and especially when choosing keywords for your website or industry, as this is where most companies fail and lose considerable funds.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is by far the most popular choice for most search engine visitors on the Internet today. Various studies and polls have shown that the free or “organic” listings receive much more interest than the sponsored links on search engines such as Yahoo, Google and MSN as they are perceived as being naturally generated rather than paid for by the advertiser.

Choosing your Internet marketing company is a crucial step in your success or failure of your online business. Any reputable marketing agency should be other to show you previous successes and top ten rankings on Google, Yahoo and MSN. It can take up to six months to achieve your desired results, but in some cases, you can receive top ten listings within 1 week, depending on the competitiveness of your industry and your chosen keywords.

Besides search engine optimisation and pay per click, you can also employ viral marketing, email marketing, directory submissions, article submissions and paid inclusions on top-level directories to optimise your websites visibility to potential new customers.

The real key to a successful online marketing campaign is analysis and strategy. You should plan your search engine optimisation or pay per click strategy with fine detail, so you know exactly who your competitors are, how they are currently ranking on search engines and more importantly, how you are going to compete with them online.

If you plan well, you will be successful. If not, and you will pay the price and be delayed in your goals, or even unsuccessful.

Hiring a good internet marketing company or search engine optimisation consultant is the necessary path to success. It may not be rocket science to get your site delivering the way you want it to, but it does take, thought, strategy, experience and professional knowledge of the industry, in order to succeed with your business goals.

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